Artificial intelligence and English language teaching

This session will explore how artificial intelligence (AI) is being used for English language teaching and learning globally through findings from a new British Council report. We will also look at what these findings mean for teachers and learners. Some practical tips for teachers to use AI for teaching English will also be covered. 

About the facilitator 

Radhika Gholkar, Head - Academic, English Programmes India 

Radhika leads on British Council’s work in teacher development across schools and the skills sector and thought leadership programmes. In her career of over 10 years with the British Council, she has focussed on research and insight about using technology for teachers’ professional development and Communities of Practice (CoP). She has a Cambridge Delta qualification and a Masters in Digital Technology, Education and Communication from the University of Manchester. 

Who can participate:  Teachers 

Date: Tuesday 19 March 2024 

Time: 5.00 p.m. to 6.30 p.m. 

Teachers will be awarded with certificate of participation.