Take your exam at the British Council without leaving India

The British Council has an extensive history of working with leading educational organisations in the UK that allows candidates enrolled with a university in the UK the unique benefit of taking their examinations with the British Council, without leaving the country.

University of London - International Programmes

Students registered with the University of London can take their examinations with the British Council in India.

We ensure that all regulations set by the University of London are followed and all requirements are met. We receive and store papers from universities, provide test rooms with invigilators for examinations and return the answer scripts to the UK by courier.

To sit for an exam, please contact our Customer Service team.

Invigilation Services

Candidates registered with universities and colleges in the UK can take advantage of the British Council's expertise in providing invigilation services. The British Council is fully equipped to conduct examinations on behalf of major educational boards in the UK.

Our examination hosting service can include registration, provision of invigilation services and the delivery of results and certificates.

To sit for any exam, you should contact your institution to apply for an overseas sitting of your examination, before submitting an exam request to us via email.

Contact us for more information on how the British Council can help you take your examination in India.

Heriot-Watt University

Students registered with the Heriot Watt can take their examinations with the British Council in India.

We ensure that all regulations set by the Heriot Watt are followed and all requirements are met. We receive and store papers from universities, provide test rooms with invigilators for examinations and return the answer scripts to the UK by courier.

To sit for an exam, please contact our Customer Service team

Special Arrangements

In most cases you will need to contact your university directly for a special need request. The university will contact the British Council about the arrangements and will inform you about the approval of your request. 

You will normally need to provide a medical certificate issued within the last two years at the time of registration. For further information on arrangements for candidates with special needs please contact us.