Saturday, 9 December 2023 -
10:00am to 12:00pm
British Council Kolkata

The Climate Connection brings people around the world together to meet the challenges of climate change. Through arts and culture, education and the English language, it is about ideas, innovation and real change. The aim of this event is to make children aware of the environmental impact on recycling. They will learn to create, appreciate and repurpose a used item for themselves. It will also facilitate active participation and work as a team. 

What will you learn and discover?

  • Stimulate creativity and imagination and maximize productivity through planned activities to engage students in reusing ordinary materials they use regularly. 
  • Be aware of environmental issues and learn to think constructively.
  • Follow instructions and work as a team / pairs.


The event will consist of hands-on activities. Listening to instructions, creating new products using the old and other fun activities will be included. Discussion on environmental issues and brainstorming to find solutions will be encouraged. Children will be asked to work individually and in groups.

Date, time and age group - Saturday 9 December from 10 AM to 12 Noon for children aged between 7 to 11 years of age. 

Members fee Rs 300. Click to register

Non member fee Rs 500. Click to register

Note - All materials for this session will be provided to the participants. The participants creations will be displayed in the library till Saturday 16 December as part of our Climate Connections initiative. For more details, please call on +91 9830683483


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