online resources access British Council online digital resources with ease
Access British Council online digital resources with ease.
Thursday, 9 February 2017 -
5:00pm to 6:00pm

Attend orientation session on how to access following British Council online digital resources:

eBooks and eAudiobooks
Access collection of over 100,000 e-books on key subject areas like Business and Economics, Computers and IT, Humanities, Science and Engineering and many more. One click digital: The collection of unabridged eAudiobooks.

Atomic Training
Online Software and device Learning with ‘Atomic Training’Unlimited access to more than 40,000 easy to understand tutorial videos for all ages on more than 150 software applications including Microsoft Office Applications, Adobe Photoshop, iTunes etc.

Press Reader
Press Reader is a leading provider of more than 4000 full text newspapers and periodicals from across the globe. It provides access to 580 UK newspapers and periodicals.

Zinio online magazines
Zinio, the world's largest newsstand, offers full color, interactive digital magazines for your enjoyment. Browse from your library's  collection of popular titles with no holds, no checkout periods, and no limit to the number of magazines you can download.

This streaming movie service provides unlimited access to award-winning shorts, feature films, and documentaries. With thousands of films to choose from across more than 50 countries, IndieFlix offers a viewing experience you can't  get anywhere else.

Online academic books
E-brary is the leading provider of e-content services and technology. The British Council subscribes to the entire Academic Complete collection of e-brary ideal for students, researchers, and academics. The complete database covers areaslike Arts, Humanities, Engineering, IT & Computers, Literature ,Management, LawMedical Sciences, English Language, Business Communication, History, and many more.

How to register
There is no registration fee for this event. For registration please contact Varinder Kumar at 0172-5203013 or email to

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