Saturday, 29 July 2023 - 10:00am to Saturday, 19 August 2023 - 6:00pm
Zoom Link Event

The British Council Readathon is an exciting online challenge that encourages children to read for an hour every day for 21 days. The challenge is open to children of ages 7 to 12 years to develop the reading habit. 

Age Groups 7-9 years | 10-12 years
Program Duration 21 Days | 2 Workshops

Members - Register at INR 950

Non - members - Register at INR 1200

Join the British Council's Readathon so that your child can explore and enjoy:

  • an exclusive curated collection of e-books and audiobooks, from fiction to non-fiction. The different formats of books will help children strengthen their reading and listening skills.
  • our expert-curated workshops on writing and speaking skills that will boost their creativity and critical thinking.
  • Networking with others by sharing their reading experiences and learning from their peers.

Programme objectives include:

  1. encouraging children to read for pleasure and develop it as a habit;
  2. help children grow as motivated, confident, and engaged readers;
  3. introduce children to a wide range of authors and literature;
  4. encourage children to participate in workshops and enhance their writing and speaking skills;
  5. provide children with a happy and memorable learning experience.

How does the programme work?

Children who join the programme:

  • will have access to our online library
  • will receive a reading log printable template to be used during the readathon
  • will read as many books from the curated list as they want for three weeks 
  • will share weekly updates of their reading log
  • will participate in two specially designed workshops during the three-week readathon.
  • will receive a Certificate of Achievement endorsed by the British Council.
British Council Readathon - July 2023
Date Activity/ Workshop planned Age Group Timings
29 July 2023 Opening session Both the age groups 11:00 - 12:00 PM
05 August 2023 Wonderful Writers!
When thoughts take shape, they look for words! Here is a workshop that aims to encourage creative expression among children. Students explore different modes of honing their language skills and written expression.
Group A - 7-9 years 11:00 - 12:00 PM
Group B - 7-9 years 12:30 - 01:30 PM
Wonderful Writers!
George Orwell once said, “Good writing is like a windowpane.”
Come to think of it, an impactful text opens a whole new vista for its readers! Join this workshop where you learn how to:
• Ideate
• Organize thoughts
• Use the right words and expressions
• Give a voice to your text
• Put your piece together
Group C - 10-12 years 02:30 - 04:00 PM
Group D - 10-12 years 04:30 - 06:00 PM
12 August 2023 Smooth Speakers!
Do you have the talent of initiating a smart conversation?  Whether it is in front of a group of people you already know or a crowd of complete strangers, do you have the skill to communicate your ideas and thoughts with clarity and confidence?
Here is a fun workshop that helps in polishing your communication skills. The interactive online session involves drama games and stories. 
Group A - 7-9 years 11:00 - 12:00 PM
Group B - 7-9 years 12:30 - 01:30 PM
Smooth Speakers!
Join this online workshop that gives you the opportunity to acknowledge your strengths and face your weaknesses while communicating your ideas. The interactive online session involves creative drama and role-play.
Group C - 10-12 years 02:30 - 04:00 PM
Group D - 10-12 years 04:30 - 06:00 PM
19 August 2023 Closing session Both the age groups 11:00 - 12:00 PM

To take part in the challenge, all children need to do is read for 30 minutes to an hour every day for 21 days and fill up their reading logs. They will share weekly updates of their reading log every Saturday.

Members - Register at INR 950

Non - members - Register at INR 1200

For any query, please email us at

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