In collaboration with the Tamil Nadu Skill Development Corporation and Durham University, the British Council organised a programme in AI and Data Science for 100 meritorious undergraduate students in the streams of Engineering and Arts & Science, from various Tamil Nadu State Government Institutions.
The students completed a 24-hour online course delivered by Durham University. 25 students from this group were selected to visit the UK for an on-site classroom module which was delivered over a week (approx. 40 hours).
Programme Topic: Foundations of Data Science and Practical AI (24 hours online and 40 hours face-to-face).
The online module of the program covered foundational knowledge in data science and practical applications of AI which was delivered through pre-recorded lectures/resources, interactive assignments, and virtual labs. The face-to-face aspect of the programme comprised of comprehensive immersion into data science and practical AI applications. The programme included in-depth lectures, hands-on workshops, and group projects. The selected students learned about data pre-processing, predictive modelling, deep learning, and AI ethics.
Both the online and face-to- face programs aimed to equip participants with the knowledge and practical skills needed to progress their knowledge and understanding of data science and AI, catering to different preferences for learning formats. The programme also enabled students to develop critical thinking around AI, data science modelling, entrepreneurship and team building skills. The experiences gained through this initiative will have a significant impact on their future professional and academic journeys beyond the university.
The trip included cultural experiences, offering a taste of English and Scottish traditions as well. With visits to Durham Castle and Edinburgh, students glimpsed the historical and cultural aspects of the UK. It was a memorable and enriching experience for both faculty and students and the British Council look forward to conducting more such programs in the future.